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Checking Your Thyroid Levels During Pregnancy


Checking Your Thyroid Levels During Pregnancy

Jan 2017

It is not uncommon for women to have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), especially during pregnancy. The question is what are the benefits and risks treating this condition during pregnancy and what are the risks of doing nothing. New research at least allows us to make a more informative decision. Our intent here is to keep you informed, aware of the symptoms and your options.

The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located in your neck that helps metabolism and growth. But conditions of too much hormones (hyperthyroidism) or hypothyroidism (too low) can result in many symptoms. Recent studies have shown that if left unchecked and untreated hypothyroidism could increase the risk of pregnancy loss or placental abruption. This condition is routinely treated by physicians with a treatment of hormones.

So what are the risks of treating hypothyroidism during pregnancy? Some studies have shown that in some cases there was an increase in preterm deliveries, gestational diabetes and a sudden increase in blood pressure.

I know this is next line is somewhat frustrating to pts. but – if you are experiencing hypothroism during pregnancy you should discuss hormone treatments with your physician or endocrinologist. Of course, you can always contact us at New York Health for advice.

There are going to be situations where treatment with hormones is the better choice and there will be situations where doing nothing is the better option. Speak to your doctors or give us a call.


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