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Hormone FAQ

All of your questions about hormones answered.

hormone FAQ

What are hormones?

Hormones are molecules that carry instructions from your endocrine glands to cells all over the body - so they act like messengers. We have about 50 different hormones, which vary in action and response.

What bodily functions do hormones affect?
There are many types of hormones that act on different aspects of bodily functions and processes. Some of these include development and growth, metabolism of food items, sexual function and reproductive growth, cognitive function and mood, and maintenance of body temperature and thirst.
What is the difference between synthetic hormones and bio-identical hormones?
Synthetic hormones are what we call look-alikes or foreign to the body. They are synthetic substances processed from chemicals or animal products. You probably have heard of Premarin or Prempro (made from pregnant mares urine and progestin). When patients come to us on any of these synthetic hormones, we tell them to stop immediately and start them on bio-identical hormones. Bio-identical hormones are classified as such because their molecules are the same as the hormones we have in our body and are made from plants. Some of these hormones are: estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid.
How do hormones affect weight?
The body is a fine tuned instrument and when all is well, and your hormones and thyroid are balanced you have reduced cravings, your metabolism is functioning effectively, and your mood is stable (preventing emotional over eating). This gives you the ability to maintain your ideal weight. Not many women in peri-menopause and menopause and men in andropause can say they feel this way.
What are the symptoms of sex hormone and thyroid imbalance?
Some symptoms of hormone imbalance are bloating, weight gain, acne, dull and sagging skin, cellulite, sleep issues, hair loss, fatigue, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, loss of libido, and memory issues.
What is cortisol and its relationship to stress?
Cortisol is the body’s naturally occurring stress hormone, and when the adrenal glands are constantly under pressure, the body simply can’t keep churning out enough cortisol. Once we uncover this in a patient, we supplement the cortisol produced by the adrenal glands.
How do we treat hormone imbalance at NY Health?
After extensive blood work, symptom, and medical history analysis, we create a plan of care, which includes hormones, thyroid, and supplements where necessary. We also include diet and exercise protocols, and we become your partner in lasting optimal health.
How soon can I expect to see results?
Generally, you see results within the first month and should be well on your way to your optimal weight and energy levels by 3 months. You will look and feel beautiful inside and out.